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Displacement, velocity and time This tutorial is the backbone of your understanding of kinematics (i.e., the motion of objects). You might already know that distance = rate x time. This tutorial essentially reviews that idea with a vector lens (we introduce you to vectors here as well). So strap your belts (actually this might not be necessary since we don't plan on decelerating in this tutorial) and prepare for a gentle ride of foundational physics knowledge.
Acceleration In a world full of unbalanced forces (which you learn more about when you study Newton's laws), you will have acceleration (which is the rate in change of velocity). Whether you're thinking about how fast a Porsche can get to 60mph or how long it takes for a passenger plane to get to the necessary speed for flight, this tutorial will help.
Kinematic formulas and projectile motion We don't believe in memorizing formulas and neither should you (unless you want to live your life as a shadow of your true potential). This tutorial builds on what we know about displacement, velocity and acceleration to solve problems in kinematics (including projectile motion problems). Along the way, we derive (and re-derive) some of the classic formulas that you might see in your physics book.
Two-dimensional projectile motion Let's escape from the binds of one-dimension (where we were forced to launch things straight up) and start launching at angles. With a little bit of trig (might want to review sin and cos) we'll be figuring out just how long and far something can travel.
Optimal angle for a projectile This tutorial tackles a fundamental question when trying to launch things as far as possible (key if you're looking to capture a fort with anything from water balloons to arrows). With a bit of calculus, we'll get to a fairly intuitive answer.
Centripetal acceleration Why do things move in circles? Seriously. Why does *anything* ever move in a circle (straight lines seem much more natural). ? Is something moving in a circle at a constant speed accelerating? If so, in what direction? This tutorial will help you get mind around this super-fun topic.